Link(s) to those sources for the FAIRBAIRN (and variants) surname that have been examined.
May contain extraction status and progress notes)
In general, data has been/is being/will be extracted from indexes such as: official Birth, Marriage and Death indexes, phone books, electoral rolls and any other primary sources that catch the attention, but the linkages up into families also relies on data from both published family trees, and those shared with me over the years.
Exact dates and places included are those from the indexes, and as such may be eg baptisms rather than births, banns rather than marriages, burials rather than deaths, or vice versa.
Dates preceded by "say" are either estimates or have not been sighted in the quoted source indexes.
Unless stated otherwise in the source citations at the foot of each page, only the indexes have been examined.
Clicking on the icons ( or ) after a source listed here will open an image (or associated file) for that source.
See footer of source pages for previous/next page links to scroll through available sources used.